Adolescents - Kids of the black hole
Fucked Up - Black Albino Bones/Looking For God
Bloc Party - Hunting For Witches
Madball- Everyday Hate
At The Drive In - Transatlantic Foe
Bob Dylan - Hurricane
Fugazi - Waiting Room
INXS - Dont Change
Jawbreaker - Jet Black
Metallica - Dyers Eve
Jose' Gonzales - Heartbeats
The Misfits - Teenagers From Mars
Morrissey - Life is a Pigsty
One Inch Punch - Stupid Me
The Ramones - I wanna Be Sedated
Rancid - Radio/Sidekick
Screeching Weasel - My Right
The Smiths - Panic
VNV Nation - Beloved
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Municipal Waste @ The Arthouse '06
I just found some old photos from a little trip myself and Harrison took down to Melbourne in '06 to see Municipal Waste. The shows were mental and involved lots of beer bongs and boogie boards. I remember having such a great time because a) We partied hard at bang with most of Perth and b) we had nowhere to crash and ended up on the floor of a five star hotel room.

Heres some shots, some are courtesy of Hot Ash!:

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday Night Fever
Dag Nasty - Can I Say
Darker My Love - S/t
Toe To Toe - Tao
Tom Petty - Greatest Hits
INXS - 1979-1997
NoFX - White trash, Two Heebs and a Bean
Said Radio - Tidal Waves and Teeth
Tragedy - Can We Call This Life 7''
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Dead and Gone
So, I decided it would be cool to post a few fliers from some shows I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of over the last few years. I present to you a small timeline of rad shows, I might even post some old pics depending on what i can find.
First show
Sydney Hardcore
Record release show
HC 07
You wish you were there
First tour
The dead walk
Break and enter!
More good times
I think we played terribly at this show, but Cut sick definately cut sick
Split CD tour with Wrecked Spanner
Holy shit they were amazing
Last show with Birry :(
NYE party!!
West Coast tour
Good friends
We sucked that night
Last Tour

Monday, October 19, 2009
I just want to disappear...
Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros - Global A Go - Go
The Clash - London Calling
Morrissey - Ringleader of The Tormentors
City & Colour - Bring Me Your Love
TSOL - Divided We Stand
The Misfits - Static Age
The Nerve Agents - The Butterfly Collection
Embrace - Embrace
The Gaslight Anthem - Sink or Swim
Homewrecker is playing it's last show this Friday night. We lasted almost 4 years, Played a ton of shows with some sweet bands and had the chance to tour a couple times. I met some great people and made some amazing friends along the way and I wouldn't change a thing.
Thanks to anyone who cared.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Bright Lights For Demise
Pizza Delivery Playlist:
Metallica - ...And Justice For All
Social Distortion - Sex, Love and Rock n' Roll
Against Me - Searching For a Former Clarity
AFI - Answer That and Stay Fashionable
BARS - The Bars
Descendents - Everything Sucks
Ben Folds Five - Naked Baby Photos
Son of Sam - Songs From The Earth
Cloak/Dagger - We Are & Untitled 7''
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Heavy as fuck band from Newcastle, just put out an EP and are about to hit the road with Rise and Fall and Blkout.
I had the pleasure of touring with them last month and apart from being absolutely great dudes they definately made my head explode every night!
Check out what Mr Magin has to say.
First up, How did the hollow come about? who does what in the band?
Aaron and I had been playing in some bands together, and we decided we wanted to do something a bit heavier, with more a Cleveland metalcore sound. Aaron wrote some songs and we jammed with a few drummers before settling on Mitch who drummed on the demo and did our first few shows. Mitch left and Biggie took over on drums, and Shaun joined on second guitar and the line up has stayed the same since. Jesse singing, Aaron and Shaun on guitar, Biggie on drums, and myself on bass.
You guys just did a bunch of east coast dates with Homewrecker, how was that?
It was just like going on a road trip with some really good friends and playing a few shows in between. Plus kidnapping Penno and letting him wild was awesome.
Your EP came out just before that tour, hows the response been so far?
The response has been fairly positive so far. The tour was a good way to get the EP out there and play the new songs to new crowds.
You guys are pretty metallic, what bands would you say are the main influences on The Hollow?
Integrity, Tragedy, Rise and Fall etc etc.
The Newcastle scene seemed pretty dormant there for a while, what was the problem there?
It probably comes down to a few of the bigger bands like the Dead Walk breaking up and kids just losing interest. Around that same time bigger Australian and overseas touring bands seemed to stop coming through Newcastle so I think that had a bit of an effect on it too.
Any new bands i should check out from Newy?
I would have said The Rains, but you already know them and they went and broke up.(Motherfuckers!!- Ed)
I see that you guys are touring with Rise and Fall soon, how did that come about?
I'm honestly not entirely sure. I knew they were touring over here with Blkout and one night at work I got a phone call from Jesse just telling me we got offered to do a tour, I asked him who with, and he said Rise and Fall and that was that. We're all really stoked on it though and keen for the tour. Playing outside of Newcastle and Sydney is always heaps of fun and to have the chance to do it with a band that has alot of influence on us is pretty exciting.
Any plans to do a full length?
Yeah we've been talking about it and throwing some ideas around lately. We've written a song or two that we will hopefully put toward the full length. Hopefully we will get a chance to do some solid writing after the Rise and Fall tour and really begin working on it.
Whats your song writing process like?
One of us will usually come up with a few riffs and a bit of structure, show it to the rest of the band and then the rest of us will have some input around how we could bring it all together, and then we begin jamming it as a band. Jesse will then usually write some lyrics to it or fit some lyrics to it that he has already written.
With the amount of amazing bands Newcastle has produced (Arms reach, FMD, LLR etc.) and the records they have put out, do you think there is any kind of pressure to write records of the same calibre?
Yeah sure, Newcastle has a reputation for producing some great bands so there's always going to be a bit of pressure starting a new band here and writing a record. We try not to worry too much about that stuff though, we probably put more pressure on ourselves to write songs that we are happy with.
Last words/Shout outs?
Who dis?
Check them out on tour with Rise and Fall or here at:
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Mentally Unstable are a young band from the Northern beaches of Sydney playing pure Punk rock that would be lost on most kids of today. I've had the chance to see these guys play a few times and their attitude and sound really impressed me. I had a chat with sam in between skateboarding sessions to find out what the bands all about.
Yo Pat, well first up we are just a band that likes skateboarding and playing the shit we play, so thats who we are...
We all really have different influences that we bring together and it just molds into what we got, mine personally are bands like the dead boys, stooges, GG, misfits, ramones, J. thunders...But i guess that speaks for us all, we also dig alot of rock and rolly type stuff
I dunno really, i guess its probably drawn from our influences, Although alot of bands are on a similar track to us, we are probably just not doing it right haha. Fuck the kids!
Haha, We have played so many SHIT shows with bands that almost seem as if its a different genre completely, this one with like some bands like sixlip? or something and you know... 'HARDCORE' bands...what a disaster. It's quite hard for us to get on a show and i hate hassling people, but saying that we have just had a pretty good streak of shows which has unfortunately come to an end...for now
Our recordings are heinous, thats all i have to say on that topic. We are now on Don't blink Records and i think there was some talk of possibly another demo or E.P so fingers crossed!
Just the usual really. Misfits, GW, Reagan Youth, Taipan, Repoman, Eddy Current, DB, Impact unit and so on and so forth.
Dick sucking to Pat for doing this and featuring us, thanks dude! and i dunno... Hate-park crew, All the bands we play with, Snake Face, Sawn-Off, Taipan, Ekrils and Oniks...ETJ wot wot.
Who are The Mentally Unstable? How did the band come about?
Yo Pat, well first up we are just a band that likes skateboarding and playing the shit we play, so thats who we are...
I think we came about one day, myself and mark the drummer and rask our guitarist from the past (r.i.p) were sitting on some steps and just wanted to do something productive with the music we enjoyed, so we all just got our shit and played a god save the queen cover. We then kinda mucked around with it on and off for a while and by the time the year 2007 rolled around and we just called it quits.
We later on decided to start back up again late 07 i think writing our own songs and stuff but shortly lost Rask to the Singaporean army, those D-bags! Then josh took his place and we have me on vocals, Drew on guitar, Mark on drums and Jack on bass. Thats kinda it up until now, sorry for the rant haha.
What bands would you say are your main influences?
We all really have different influences that we bring together and it just molds into what we got, mine personally are bands like the dead boys, stooges, GG, misfits, ramones, J. thunders...But i guess that speaks for us all, we also dig alot of rock and rolly type stuff
You guys play a style of music thats pretty different to what alot of kids listen to and bands play these days, whats the deal there?
I dunno really, i guess its probably drawn from our influences, Although alot of bands are on a similar track to us, we are probably just not doing it right haha. Fuck the kids!
With the style you guys play, is it hard to get shows? Is it hard playing with bands that have absolutely nothing in common with you?
Haha, We have played so many SHIT shows with bands that almost seem as if its a different genre completely, this one with like some bands like sixlip? or something and you know... 'HARDCORE' bands...what a disaster. It's quite hard for us to get on a show and i hate hassling people, but saying that we have just had a pretty good streak of shows which has unfortunately come to an end...for now
You guys have put out a couple of low-fi demos, any plans to put out a more polished recording?
Our recordings are heinous, thats all i have to say on that topic. We are now on Don't blink Records and i think there was some talk of possibly another demo or E.P so fingers crossed!
Any plans to tour?
We would love to tour, so hopefully... i guess its hard for 5 unemployed teens to scrape money and van together though haha, if anyone wants to tour with us, hit me up bromie.
I heard you guys have been banned from a few venues in Sydney, whys that?
Ah man, yeah we have from a few. Basically for the most Lame reasons. I think there was a bit of a ruckus at the Sando that may or may not have involved a mic stand and an angry fuckin maniac sound dude and something to do with drinking at the other venues.
what bands/ records are you into at the moment?
Just the usual really. Misfits, GW, Reagan Youth, Taipan, Repoman, Eddy Current, DB, Impact unit and so on and so forth.
Last words/shout outs?
Dick sucking to Pat for doing this and featuring us, thanks dude! and i dunno... Hate-park crew, All the bands we play with, Snake Face, Sawn-Off, Taipan, Ekrils and Oniks...ETJ wot wot.
If you wanna check out this awesome band, suss their myspace page for show details and some sweet low-fi recordings.
Thought Process
Infest - Mankind
One Inch Punch - Ignorant Bliss
Hope Con - Death Knows Your Name
The Ramones - Road To Ruin
Paint It Black - Amnesia
No Fun At All - Master Celebrations
Angry Samoans - The Unboxed Set
I've got some new interviews with The Hollow from Newcastle and The Mentally Unstable from Sydney. I'll be putting them up in the next day or 2, stay tuned!
Someone likes my magic tricks :)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Young hearts be free tonight
Nothing better than listening to a record that reminds you of an amazing point in time. Music is the soundtrack to your life!
American Nightmare - Year One
City and Colour - Bring me your Love
The Clash - London Calling
Rancid - Let's Go
Tiger Army - Music From Regions Beyond
Bloc Party - A Weekend In The City
The Smiths - Louder Than Bombs
Sunday, October 4, 2009

OK so here is the first in the series of interviews ill be doing with bands i think are making an impact on the Punk and Hardcore scene in Australia right now. Ghost town, with a chaotic live show are tearing stages apart wherever someone will let them play, with a full length album about to drop on Melbourne's Dead Souls records and an Australasian tour with Italy's Gold kids about to begin, I caught up with vocalist Sam Sal to get his take on all things Ghost Town.
You guys are about to head off on your first major tour with Gold Kids from Italy, how did that come about?
Well we were planning on releasing our album on Halloween and then we got asked to do this tour with Gold Kids, but then we got asked if we wanted to do some shows in New Zealand and South East Asia as a part of the tour so we just thought fuck it, we have never been to those countries before.
Any Fears or Expectations heading to S.E. Asia or or across the Tasman to NZ??
I myself don't really have any fears about NZ because from what I've heard, our cultures are fairly similar so it wouldn't be that different over there. However SE Asia is another story. Australia is so completely different to SE Asia so it will be a bit scary not being able to talk to people or not knowing what food to eat and not to eat. Also there have recently been bombings and earthquakes in Indonesia so that is also very scary but I think the tour will be great and so much fun.
You've done a few tours previous to this one coming up, What's it like booking a tour with only a demo out?
Well the last couple of tours we have done have bee tiny, some of the shows were in peoples living rooms, some in sheds, some in rehearsal rooms so it wasn't really too hard to organise those tours. We've met a lot of great people from doing it that have helped us out each time we come back which we are very thankful for.
Your record 'The way the world ends' dropped in November last year, how has the response been??
I think it's being going great considering that we were still finding our feet with those songs and we recorded and released it ourselves. People seem to be into it so that's awesome.
You released and recorded it yourself, total DIY!! Do you think that this attitude is something that's lacking with alot of bands nowadays?? With the way that Punk and hardcore is getting bigger and becoming more marketable, do you think that alot of bands don't want to put in the hard work and more or less expect to start at the top?
I definitely think DIY is majorly lacking in hardcore and punk today but with that being said, I wasn't around when hardcore was DIY. Alot of bands just rely on their myspace layouts and friend adders to get 'big' when no bands wanting to put in the hard effort of touring and playing a shit load of shows before people actually start to know who you are. Bands just need to chill out and focus more on writing good music and playing shows because it's pretty much impossible to "make it" in a hardcore band.
What are your plans for the next 6 months? Any more tours or records coming out we should know about?
We have just finished recording our full-length titled "Calamities" which should be out by early November for our tour. The Hollow just released their EP so everyone should go buy that. Seduction just broke up but they are still about to release their 7" so people should help them out by buying that because they are already losing a lot of money from putting that out. We are touring with Gold Kids from Italy in November. Rise and Fall are touring with The Hollow an BLKOUT! in December. Trap Them are touring in January, I am losing my shit over this because they are one of my favourite bands.
Is there a theme that runs through the lyrics or do you have anything that you specifically like to write about?
Because our music is so harsh and intense which represents negativity, I write about negative things that concern me. I don't have a theme that I run with because I think that limits your creativity, however I would really like to do a concept album in the future.
From what I and anyone else who has seen you play live can say, you guys seem to put on a pretty intense live show, is this a conscious thing? Or just how the music manifests itself live?
The music that we play is very intense so when we play live we just feel the music so much and it is our way of expressing of our negative feelings.
How is the Gold Coast Punk/Hardcore Scene these days??
Any up and coming bands i should check out?
Band wise there is only us, Life Act, Skyway and People Rain but scene wise the Gold Coast is actually going great, so many younger kids have started coming to shows now which is great but there is a lack of (good) bands so most shows on the Gold Coast are just from touring bands. If kids from the Gold Coast are reading this, please start bands. I will record them.
Whats your take on the Internet and myspace, in terms of kids checking out new bands/ the effect it has on shows as a whole?
Honestly, myspace is amazing for bands if used properly. It is an amazing way of promoting new releases and tours but a lot of bands use it in such a shit way and grow huge ego's from it, they can just fuck right off.
So your stuck in the van for 24 hours, whats the soundtrack and who is the stereo Nazi?
We love listening to Henry Rollins - Get In The Van, it's amazing to listen to on long drives. We also try to avoid listening to hardcore because when you are playing hardcore shows every night you just want to chill out after shows. There is no real stereo Nazi in our band, we just fight over what we listen to.
Whats your favourite A.F.I. album?
Sing The Sorrow is pretty much my favourite album of all time. That being said, I think all their albums are amazing. I know you're a Black Sails person, that is such a great CD, all their Cd's are great in their own way. I have had Crash Love on repeat since I first got it, it's so good. I think I'm just going to leave that question at that otherwise I will never shut up about it.
Last words/shout outs etc?
Ghost Town album comes out early November on Dead Souls records. Fuck Snitch/Thriller.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The flame still burns
On wednesday night i went and saw Bad Religion and Nofx, lucky considering i didnt have a ticket and it was sold out. Thanks Mel!!!!
Both bands were fucking great. Highlights we're 'Stickin' in my eye' and 'American Jesus'
Lately i been spinning this!
Underworld - Dubnobasswithmyheadman
The cure - Staring at the sea
Johnny Cash - American IV
Rancid - Let's Go
Fucked up - The Chemistry of commmon life
Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound
Municipal Waste - Hazardous Mutation
The Postal Service - Give up
Eddie Vedder - Into the wild soundtrack
The cure - Staring at the sea
Johnny Cash - American IV
Rancid - Let's Go
Fucked up - The Chemistry of commmon life
Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound
Municipal Waste - Hazardous Mutation
The Postal Service - Give up
Eddie Vedder - Into the wild soundtrack
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