Monday, May 10, 2010

All We Do Is Svrf

Now I know this was and still is a music blog, sometimes its hard to keep out the other facets of my life so...
With water temps still pushing 23 degrees, an ample supply of waves and a few really good sandbanks, I have'nt had much time for anything else. The last month i've been putting in some serious time in the water.  I cant remember the last day off i've had where I did'nt surf, plenty of missions down the coast, 8 hour marathon sessions and lots and lots of just plain good waves. Its funny how Spring/Summer can be so amazingly shit then once that magical season of Autumn hits, everything changes. This week looks like were in for some more juice thanks to a nice Tasman sea low, combined with good winds and a serious drop in air temps. Lets hope that keeps the crowds down. I also have a nice new winter board on order, when that drops, I might do run down of my quiver.
Last Friday the 7th of May was looking like just another day of small clean waves but Tamarama seriously turned on for once, 3-4 feet peaks, NW winds for most of the day. Photog Lee kelly scored probably one of the best waves in the last 5 years out there, then ran and got his housing to shoot a few fisheye shots from the water.

He was only out for a little while and I managed to score this shot, but there were plenty more after he bailed and I surfed until I could paddle no more/the tide was too high.
I do apologise to any of my friends who have not seen or spoken with me over the last month or so, but hey you gotta do what you gotta do. Ha!